1. Service Description

UnbugQA provides a one-time free audit service for websites or applications. The audit will cover only Exploratory testing to quickly assess the website or application's overall quality. The audit service will be conducted on the customer's website or application to identify potential issues and provide recommendations for improvement.

2. Service Level Objectives

The objective of UnbugQA's free audit service is to provide customers with an accurate and comprehensive assessment of their website or application within three business days of receiving the audit request.

3. Service Level Metrics

The following service-level metrics will be used to assess UnbugQA's performance:

Delivery Time: UnbugQA will deliver the audit report within three business days of receiving the audit request.

Quality: The audit report will cover Exploratory testing and aims to identify potential issues to assess the overall quality of the software product.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

UnbugQA is responsible for:

The customer is responsible for:

5. Confidentiality and Security